Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Projects as of March 9th, 2011

Sorry for not updating much, but that is because I have had so much to do for my fiction writing class that I didn't have time for a while to work on these projects.

The Projects

Title: Deadlines
Fandom: None, original
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Excess use of euphemisms for coffee, a condom wrapper and a flying coffee pot
Summary: Grigori blames the coffee pot for losing track of time doing homework due in a few hours.
Stage: Revision

Title: Pulse
Fandom: None, original
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Moderate to severe gore, disturbing imagery, death, brutal matricide
Summary: Grigori's mother was never proud of him, no matter what he did.
Stage: Revision

Title: Untitled As Of Yet
Fandom: Hetalia Axis Powers
Rating: PG-13 to R
Characters: Hong Kong, England, China, Japan, Canada
Pairings: EnglandxChina
Warnings: Violence, language, WWII, ideologically sensitive material, young!HK, allusions to child-rape
Summary: None yet
Stage: Note Card

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Projects as of January 26th, 2011

What are projects?

My projects, at least that are relevant to this blog, are any piece of writing that I plan to eventually post here and how they are coming along. I will post one of these updates whenever I feel I need to take inventory of the work I've done, so it could be any length of time between postings on these project updates. Once I post a piece however, they will no longer be mentioned in my project lists. They should show up in a directory post that will put up once I have more things here to be read.

I have an idea!

Good! The latest project post is a good place to share your ideas with me! Feel free to comment and we can talk about it!

Various Stages

  • Vague Concept
  • Note Card
  • Researching
  • Characterization Practice *only for FanFiction*
  • Drabbling
  • Writing
  • Editing
  • Critique
  • Revision
  • Post

The Projects

Title: Pulse
Fandom: None, original
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Moderate to severe gore, disturbing imagery, death, brutal matricide
Summary: Grigori's mother was never proud of him, no matter what he did.
Stage: Critique

Title: Untitled As Of Yet
Fandom: Hetalia Axis Powers
Rating: PG-13 to R
Characters: Hong Kong, England, China, Japan, Canada
Pairings: EnglandxChina
Warnings: Violence, language, WWII, ideologically sensitive material, young!HK, allusions to child-rape
Summary: None yet
Stage: Note Card

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Practice - Possession

Writing Exercise

Title: Possession
Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia
Characters: Prussia, England
Pairings: Prussia/England
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Old fic is old, Prussia being creepy, rape-like scenario without any rape, crack ending, drugging, bondage, human names, yaoi, nudity, language use and again, it's old but not too terribly bad. Tagged as a writing exercise.
Summary: Arthur is a gentleman, Gilbert wants to know what else is there, even if he has to do it by force. There is no sex. PG-13 for language and adult situations.

Gilbert always got what he wanted, at least he thought he did. He'd always been amused by Arthur's occult fascinations and the various things he did to try and keep up his "gentleman" image. Tonight, out of boredom, Gilbert wanted to use his "awesome skills" to destroy that image Arther held so dear. Well, not destroy so much, as remove for awhile. He wanted to see what Arthur was really like, on the inside when no one was watching. He wanted to say that the real Arthur belonged to him. That's what Gilbert really desired, to see what was under the mask.

The house was dark where Arthur lived. He had been working late at the office. Gilbert expected that and managed to sneak into the house unnoticed. He hid in the shadows just beyond the front door, waiting for the British man to walk into his trap. It would just be a matter of time until Gilbert could have what he wished for, what he was determined to possess for his own.

The lock clicked, the sign of someone unlocking the door. The Prussian readied himself to spring forth from the dark when the moment came. Arthur slipped through the door into the dark entryway, completely unaware of what was about to happen to him. Locking the door behind him blocked out any light from the street. He didn't seem worried, it was his own house afterall. The lock was clicked into place and that was what he'd been waiting for.

Seemingly out of nowhere, hands grabbed him, one over his mouth, the other hold his arm behind him. He tried to scream, but was muffled through the hand. That hand had held some kind of cloth that was stuffed into Arthur's mouth. It smelled and tasted strange, like it had been soaked in vodka or another clear alcohol. He was beginning to loosen, the alcohol getting into his blood quickly as he was forced to ingest it. His attacker just stood there, holding him in place. With the rag firmly in place, the attacker moved the hand down to Arthur's neck, placing pressure on the main artery. "Shhh..." With the blood temporarily stopped, combined with the alcohol, he was feeling somewhat sleepy. In a minute or so, he was out cold.

"Perfect," Gilbert murmured to himself and carried his unconscious plaything up the stairs to the bedroom. He'd already brought everything he needed for this adventure with him and set it in place in the room. What a surprise Arthur would have when he awoke! Gilbert laid the man on the bed and removed his clothes quickly, because he figured that it wouldn't be too very long before the Brit woke up.

Once the victim was completely in the nude, he proceed to tie each of his limbs to the bed posts. Soon, it would be very soon when the actual fun began, in the meantime, all Prussia could do was wait.

Arthur's eyes cracked open. His had a mild headache and was unsure of himself. It smelled like he was in his own house, his own bedroom even, but something didn't feel right. He could see, but was still too groggy to know what was going on. He tried to sit up, in order to clear his head, but he noticed he couldn't move at all. He tugged on both arms and both legs with no avail. He was tied in place, it seemed. When his eyes finally adjusted, since the lighting was dim, only a few candles burning provided any light, he could tell that he was completely naked, especially since now he was aware of the air being cold against his skin. "What the-?" he began, but then turned his head to see Gilbert standing nearby, fully clothed in his military uniform. "Gilbert? What the hell is going on? Let me up!" Suddenly, seeing the twinkle in his colleague's eye, the British man felt very scared.

With a laugh, "About time you woke up, you lazy fucker." Prussia was excited, very excited, his prey had finally come around. "I'm not going to untie you, Arthur, because then it won't be any fun at all." He saw his toy's eyes widen with shock. "What!" Gilbert laughed again, menacingly.

"I'm here to see what's left of you when your gentleman facade is taken away from you..." He sauntered over to the side of the bed and sat on it. "Ready to play, Arty?" He laughed more when the other man struggled against his bonds to try and get free. "I take that as a yes."

"Are you kidding? Get away from me you, bloody wa-!" He was cut off, a gag shoved into his mouth and tied behind his head by gloved hands. "Nope, those sounds won't do at all, Arty..."

The albino German turned to climb on top of Arthur and straddle him. "Well then, let's get started, ja?"

Tears began welling up in Arthur's eyes, afraid of what would come. Who knew what this deranged man would do to him? Whatever it was, Arthur knew he wasn't going to enjoy it. He knew it was going to be a very long night. However, the first thing that bothered him when he was being straddled was his anger at the arrogance to wear muddy boots on his nice clean bed. This feeling subsided as he realized that soon, these sheets wouldn't be clean any longer, no matter how many times he would wash them.

Gloved hands rested on his chest, rubbing in small circles. "Don't cry, Arty... I won't hurt you... physically..." That didn't make the man feel any better, actually, it caused him to start sobbing. Arthur expected to be slapped for that, but when the stinging sensation didn't come, he was rather confused. Opening his eyes, he saw that Gilbert seemed a bit sad. "Shhh, now, Arty, it's gonna be okay... calm down..." What was this, seemingly genuine concern? Why should he be concerned for Arthur's welfare when he was about to rape him? Sometimes Gilbert made no sense.

Taking the glove off of his right hand, he took the now naked fingers to Arthur's face, wiping away the tears. He couldn't understand why he was crying... Was Arthur afraid of him? He shouldn't be, it wasn't unusual for one lover to tie down the other... but then again, he did scare the hell out of him.

What he said was true, though, he wasn't going hurt him or even rape him for that matter. Currently all he wanted to do was cuddle a little bit. Gilbert leaned over Arthur's chest and laid down on him, snaking his arms around the other's back to hold him. Suddenly, Arthur started trembling. "Don't freak out, it's called a hug... What are you? Kiku? Geez, can't a guy get a hug and cuddle?"

Arthur paused in his struggles. What? He was knocked out, stripped and tied down just so Gilbert could give him a hug and some cuddle time? What the fuck is the matter with that man? He tried to complain through the gag, but couldn't get a sound out. Gilbert just pulled him in tighter. This had to be the weirdest hug in the history of the action. "I love you, Arty..."


I chopped off the horrible second chapter in this publication of it because I never intended to write that chapter anyway. I had merely forgotten to select "complete" the first time around and then I felt obligated when someone went "OMG YAY~ Can haz moar?!"

No, I no longer really find myself amused with this pairing and I wrote this sometime last year, but it was kind of fun to write. This was also written before I knew about the glory that is chloroform. I'm half-tempted to go back in and edit out the alcohol portions to replace it with the proper chemical. XD I fail.

This now considered a writing exercise and was just practice. I hate myself so much. OTL

Light My Heart

Title: Light My Heart
Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia
Characters: Russia, Lithuania
Pairings: No real pairings
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Disturbing visual of a human cadaver's heart, creepily calm!Russia, trembly!Lithuania, drabble-length, little to no research, bad Hetalia pun, lack actual names in the fic
Summary: Lithuania finds Russia's new mantelpiece interestingly odd. Based off of this curio: Click

A confused face stared at the mantle above the fireplace, beneath which live heat crackled and danced.

“Sir, I...” the face muttered weakly before a more commanding one cut in.

“Yes, Little One?”

The voice didn't look up from the seemingly ancient manuscript in his lap as he reclined in a chair across the room from the mantle. There was a tiny crackling “slap” sound as a page was turned. It was the only sound save for the fire and the nervous panting of the confused face.

After shifting uncomfortably, the owner of the face finally answered, murdering several moments of silence with a sounded breath.

“Th-thing... sir, on... the m-mantle...” was the shy, frightened stammer. "Little One's" eyes could not tear themselves away from the piece before them.

“Is it not obvious, Little One?” the ever-calm voice of “Sir” responded, a mocking tone somewhat present in the taste of the words.

Obvious? Well, it was obviously not a normal thing one would find on their mantle... or so “Little One” believed as he stared at the box. Curtains framed an object in the middle of the transparent box, seeming to hold its contents gently like an infant. Nestled within these “hands”, light emanated from the object. From the curves of the thing, the fleshy valleys and sinuous mountains, anyone who had gone through a high school science class would know that it was-

“Sir, is that...-”

“A heart,” the deeper, more authoritative voice clarified, “Yes, it is.”

“Little One's” shiver was almost audible as a curious, uncertain hand extended towards the keepsake. He wanted to both touch it and yet run away in fear at such a grotesque curio. Honestly, he wasn't surprised that the object was in his host's possession, but one question still remained.

“Who-” was the quiet whisper, only to be cut off by a more dominant sound.



I didn't use names in this piece because when I was writing it down, I was writing it in my journal for my fiction writing class and "FanFiction" isn't frequently viewed with any kind of love in Academia. I didn't claim the characters as mine in the journal though, just that these two unnamed characters who are not mine happened to pop in my head when I saw this curio. If you're reading this though, it probably wasn't a stretch of your imagination to figure out who they were anyway. Yay for the common bonds of "fandom."

Also, anyone who understands the pun in the story gets a cookie.... Well, not really unless I know you in real life, then I can give you a cookie. Either way, enjoy the blatantly obvious pun. :3