Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Light My Heart

Title: Light My Heart
Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia
Characters: Russia, Lithuania
Pairings: No real pairings
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Disturbing visual of a human cadaver's heart, creepily calm!Russia, trembly!Lithuania, drabble-length, little to no research, bad Hetalia pun, lack actual names in the fic
Summary: Lithuania finds Russia's new mantelpiece interestingly odd. Based off of this curio: Click

A confused face stared at the mantle above the fireplace, beneath which live heat crackled and danced.

“Sir, I...” the face muttered weakly before a more commanding one cut in.

“Yes, Little One?”

The voice didn't look up from the seemingly ancient manuscript in his lap as he reclined in a chair across the room from the mantle. There was a tiny crackling “slap” sound as a page was turned. It was the only sound save for the fire and the nervous panting of the confused face.

After shifting uncomfortably, the owner of the face finally answered, murdering several moments of silence with a sounded breath.

“Th-thing... sir, on... the m-mantle...” was the shy, frightened stammer. "Little One's" eyes could not tear themselves away from the piece before them.

“Is it not obvious, Little One?” the ever-calm voice of “Sir” responded, a mocking tone somewhat present in the taste of the words.

Obvious? Well, it was obviously not a normal thing one would find on their mantle... or so “Little One” believed as he stared at the box. Curtains framed an object in the middle of the transparent box, seeming to hold its contents gently like an infant. Nestled within these “hands”, light emanated from the object. From the curves of the thing, the fleshy valleys and sinuous mountains, anyone who had gone through a high school science class would know that it was-

“Sir, is that...-”

“A heart,” the deeper, more authoritative voice clarified, “Yes, it is.”

“Little One's” shiver was almost audible as a curious, uncertain hand extended towards the keepsake. He wanted to both touch it and yet run away in fear at such a grotesque curio. Honestly, he wasn't surprised that the object was in his host's possession, but one question still remained.

“Who-” was the quiet whisper, only to be cut off by a more dominant sound.



I didn't use names in this piece because when I was writing it down, I was writing it in my journal for my fiction writing class and "FanFiction" isn't frequently viewed with any kind of love in Academia. I didn't claim the characters as mine in the journal though, just that these two unnamed characters who are not mine happened to pop in my head when I saw this curio. If you're reading this though, it probably wasn't a stretch of your imagination to figure out who they were anyway. Yay for the common bonds of "fandom."

Also, anyone who understands the pun in the story gets a cookie.... Well, not really unless I know you in real life, then I can give you a cookie. Either way, enjoy the blatantly obvious pun. :3

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