Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Projects as of March 9th, 2011

Sorry for not updating much, but that is because I have had so much to do for my fiction writing class that I didn't have time for a while to work on these projects.

The Projects

Title: Deadlines
Fandom: None, original
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Excess use of euphemisms for coffee, a condom wrapper and a flying coffee pot
Summary: Grigori blames the coffee pot for losing track of time doing homework due in a few hours.
Stage: Revision

Title: Pulse
Fandom: None, original
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Moderate to severe gore, disturbing imagery, death, brutal matricide
Summary: Grigori's mother was never proud of him, no matter what he did.
Stage: Revision

Title: Untitled As Of Yet
Fandom: Hetalia Axis Powers
Rating: PG-13 to R
Characters: Hong Kong, England, China, Japan, Canada
Pairings: EnglandxChina
Warnings: Violence, language, WWII, ideologically sensitive material, young!HK, allusions to child-rape
Summary: None yet
Stage: Note Card

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